Wednesday, June 10, 2009

popped balloons

As a little girl was joyously playing with a balloon at her friend's birthday party. It was her favorite color - green, but it suddenly broke. She came to her daddy in tears and said, "Daddy, fix it." Broken balloons can't be fixed, but a child won't hear that kind of talk, she has confidence that her dad can do anything.

I wish I had that kind of confidence in my heavenly Daddy. The difference is that my Daddy actually can fix something unfixable, but I don't ask Him to because I don't have the faith. I know he can fix these broken things, and I know he actually might do it if I asked.

Please pray for my aunt Ivy who is in the hospital in a coma. She had an allergic reaction to a dye they used in a heart test last Friday. Her heart actually stopped for seven minutes before they got it started again. Seven minutes of no oxygen does damage to a brain. Her brain has a lot of swelling and even bringing her body to a hypothermic state (91 degrees) didn't reduce the swelling. She's not made any improvement and the doctors don't expect her to live much longer. Please pray with me for I don't have much confidence that she knows the Lord.

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